A Successful Inward Mission for the UK Sheep and Goat Sectors

To The Royal Highland Show

Moroccan sheep and goat inward mission

Following a successful exhibition held in Morocco last year and organised by the Department for business and trade, UK tag was introduced to doctor Dr Samira MANAR ZAGDOUNI, DMV General Manager of Manar Biotech the only Moroccan Government approved breeding centre registered to import small ruminants, semen and embryos.

Following this exhibition, we had discussions with Dr.Sabrina with British embassy staff based in Rabat where she explained the workings of her organisation which now supplies the whole of northern African states and also trains staff.

At this meeting she expressed the desire to visit the UK to look at our sheep and goat  industry as an alternative source for genetics

Last week we were honoured to welcome her and her colleagues to the UK and introduced her to the two companies in the UK that are currently able to export semen and embryos from sheep and goats.

We then took the group to look at the livestock on show at the Royal Highland show where they were very impressed with the quality and numbers of stock available. Dr Rob Grinnall joined us at this point as UKTAGs sheep consultant

Dr Samira expressed her thanks to us for organising the visit and is now very keen too progress matters both for importation of semen and embryos and breeding stock as soon as Defra have agreed the necessary veterinary protocols with her government. She is also keen to establish more connection for staff training UKTAG is looking forward to accepting Dr Samiras kind invitation to visit her country where Rob and I hope to see British livestock successfully established both in her country and the other countries in northern Africa where she has business