UK Capability Studies
What can the UK offer you? Find out more by clicking on these four publications below

UK Capability in Livestock & Genetics
A rapidly growing global population with changing dietary demands and more variable climate conditions means new food production systems with less impact on the environment will be required.

UK Capability in Commercial Horticulture
Why the UK is great at growing for business.

UK Capability in Agri-Tech Engineering
UK’s extraordinary capability in Agri-Tech Engineering

Companion Pets in the UK
The extraordinary capability that exists in the UK companion pet sector

The UK is the home to world class agricultural research in technologies and science. The UK’s most progressive farmers are leading the way in plant and animal breeding, remote sensing, meteorological prediction and the exploitation of data. Our world class food and drink manufacturing and retail sectors are highly competitive, supplying consumers worldwide.

The Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA)
The Commercial Horticultural Association (CHA) is the British trade association for manufacturers and suppliers of plants, products and services to commercial horticultural growers throughout the world.
Covering the ornamentals and fresh produce sectors, our members offer the full portfolio of products and services for all horticultural requirements. Building on its enviable reputation for research, innovation and high quality standards, the UK horticultural supplies sector has introduced some of the world’s leading technology, processes and services which are being utilised worldwide.

The Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA)
The Agricultural Engineers Association (AEA) has been representing the interests of British farm machinery and equipment manufacturers since its formation in 1875.
Did you know that UK exports over £1.12 billion worth of tractors and £480 million of agricultural machinery each year? The UK agri-tech sector contributes to the UK agricultural sector worth more than £14 billion, and employing more than 500,000 people.
In the UK we are expert manufacturers of world leading sprayers, forestry & woodchipping equipment and tractors.